Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Government

Well, well, well. Looks like the Conservatives / NDP / BQ have finally decided to bring down the government (and who says that politics doesn't make for strange bedfellows).

Frankly, I don't understand why. Of course, I understand their reasons and such. But given that most observers (expert and amateur) expect yet another Liberal Minority, it’s hard to figure out why. Especially in Stephen Harper's case. The way I see it, every election he loses (or in this case fails to win) brings the dog’s a little closer, smelling blood in the air. If I were to make a prediction, my guess is that Harper is gone if he doesn't win this one. I mean he's had the sponsorship scandal along with the Gomery inquiry in recent months and has yet to really make a dent in the Liberal's popularity.

This pains me to see. I'm probably a small-c conservative. Socially liberal but fiscally conservative. But I can't bring myself to vote for the Conservatives. Their stance on social issues is just too far to the right for me. I support gay marriage, decriminalization of marijuana, etcetera. Fiscally, the conservatives are a better match for me, but it’s hard to ignore the other issues when you’re voting. And I really don't think this problem is unique to me, I'm willing to bet this is a huge reason why the Reform/Alliance/PC/Conservatives never had their "breakthrough" in Ontario and especially Quebec.

Meanwhile, there's Jack Layton and Giles Duceppe. For Giles and the BQ, he's got it easy. Every bad thing that comes out from Gomery, et al. does 2-3 days of campaigning for him. So the BQ has Quebec locked up (surprise, surprise). But Jack Layton? Hmm, not too sure there. I think the NDP will fare alright (probably lose 1 or 2 seats, maybe gain 1 or 2). Their leader may not fare so well. He went from kingmaker in May to court jester in November with that crazy motion he came up with. Guess we'll just have to wait and see on this one.

Anyways, for you fellow fans of crazy canadian politics, looks like we get a pretty good christmas present. We get to see these idiots do it all over again. Should be interesting.


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