Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Last week, the Liberal Party's Red Ribbon Task Force released its report, entitled "A party built for everyone, A party built to win". They detailed several challenges facing the party and what should be done about them. (Check it out here)

A few things jumped out at me right off the bat. One regarded Bill C-24 passed during the Chretien government. Seems that the Liberals, even though they brought it in, are having the worst time adapting to the changes it brought about. The task force comes out to say that the Party has always been one of large corporate donations (did you really need a task force to figure that one out?) and that other parties have been much quicker at coping with the changes.

They go on further to talk about Bill C-2 from the Harper government. To quote the authors: (pg 10 in the report)
The Conservatives claim that this is being done for reasons of "accountability". However, Liberals should be under no illusion that this Bill C-2 is anything but a blatant attack aimed squarely at our Party's political jugular. We can, and must, respond.
I don't know but when I read this a picture pops into my head of the schoolyard bully crying when the other kids finally stand up to him and give him the beatdown he deserves. One other thing I think needs pointing out, Harper has a minority government, which means it wasn't just the Conservatives that passed the bill.

Of course there is the talk about a return to the "grass roots" but seriously, is there a single political party that hasn't talked about getting back to its "roots" in the last decade?

An interesting point (or "inconvenient truth" as they term it) is the acknowledgement that the rules in nomination contests are skewed to favour one candidate over another. WOW, really, wouldn't have thought that. This has been going on for a while now, glad to see you guys have at least finally admitted it. Now if only we can get the other parties to recognize this fact as well. As much as I don't like the idea of growing the bureaucracy it seems like Elections Canada should be supervising these to larger extent.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know but when I read this a picture pops into my head of the schoolyard bully crying when the other kids finally stand up to him and give him the beatdown he deserves.

Excellent comparison. This bill has really chewed into their funds, the funny thing is that it was the Liberals who were always crying about the Conservatives being too "corporate freindly", yet they do fine under the new rules don't they?

9/07/2006 10:51 p.m.  

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