Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Internet

Wow, think you not addicted to the Internet? Try this, go for as long as you can without using a computer to get on the net. I had to do that (unintentionally) because of my damn ISP. Two days and I was going nuts. No e-mail, no weird news from Finland, no continuosly updated hockey scores. Until this happened, I had no idea how much I actually used the internet. Most of the time, I feel like I hardly use it. Sure I've got 3 different e-mails for different purposes, but really how much time do I spend on e-mail daily. A hell of a lot as it turns out.

Does this mean I'm going to cut back? No, there is no way I can. It has become such a part of my life, I don't think I could handle it. Especially now that I've started this blog. Just too bloody connected I guess. How many of you are in the same situation?


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