Friday, September 08, 2006

Blogging, Partisans and Voters

Ever have a problem trying to figure how to start a post?

This article by DazzlinDino and this one at plus a conversation I had with a friend recently got me thinking on this issue.

One thing I've always liked doing was educating others on politics.  During the last election, a friend of mine told me that I was the reason she was reading up on the issues and voting.  And I got a big kick out of that (too bad she didn't vote for my guy).

To someone new to politics and the blogosphere and trying to learn more, its a pretty ugly scene to look upon.  The screeching from those on all sides of the debate can be pretty intimidating.  The semi-anonymous nature of blogging and commenting only serve to amplify this, given that many people don't apply the same amount of control they use when talking in public.   And this only heightens the negative view that most have of politics in general. 

Now, I'm not painting all bloggers with the same brush.  There are a lot of bloggers out there with well-reasoned arguments that refrain from partisan attacks.  Where the debates on the issue at hand don't dissolve into name-calling and other nonsense.  Its just quite the mess to wade through to find it. For the average voter, its just not worth the trouble.

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