Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Press and an Election Question

Yeah, yeah, I apologize for not updating in long time. Oh well, sometimes I get lazy. Anyways, I think I'll try and keep the posts smaller but more often.

Two issues on my mind right now. The first is the tiff that PM Stephen Harper and the Ottawa press gallery are having right now. The whole thing revolves around Harper and his aides saying they would control who got to ask questions, instead of the free-for-all that currently happens. The press decided they wouldn't put up with that and left the press conference. Harper and crew now say that they will instead talk to local reporters instead of the national news guys.

Alright, first off, who (outside of Ottawa) even cares about this? Frankly, the whole thing is bloody ridiculous but that's Canada eh. Hopefully both groups will take a timeout and then get back to real work (ie. running the country and/or reporting on that).

The other issue is Harper's recent announcement of his plan to introduce fixed election dates. I think this is a great idea. This takes the timing of the election out of the hands of the party in power. Currently, most governments wait for the most politically opportune time to call an election, this legislation takes that power away. This will not, however, keep the government in power after losing a confidence vote. If that were to happen, an election would be called and then the next one would be set 4 years from that date. We have this provincially in BC, and so far it hasn't caused any problems. I'm interested in what sort of stance the Liberals will take on this, as they have been some of the worst on manipulating election dates (remember Chretien back in 2000 after just over 3 years since the previous election). Well I guess one can only wait and see what happens.


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