Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Mainstream Media

I'm generally supportive of the MSM. However, recent incidents have began to etch away at my support.

The CBC, always rumored to have a left-leaning slant, was caught quite red-handed by Stephen Taylor. Now, I have never really liked the CBC, but not for its politics. My problem was with the perceived Eastern (read Toronto) bias to their news/sports/anything coverage. Seeing stuff like this only makes one wonder why the taxpayers are still on the hook for these guys.

The other coverage I had a huge problem with was of the evacuation of Canadians out of Lebanon. For either the press, or the evacuees to expect 1st class service during an evacuation out of a WAR ZONE, is to me, insane. However, most of the coverage went to these whiners. One of my favourite quotes I heard was: "There was no A/C". Really? Thats a damn shame.


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